



2024-07-17 21:40:24 来源:网络


FIT😇🐘_😈,英语动词🌸🦖|🏑、形容词🐿——🕷、名词🤮🧐————🧐😼。动词意思是安装😢|😵;合身🪳🕸-*;(使)适合🐈-_🧐。形容词意思是合适的🦚_🐺;恰当的😃🐌——_🪴🦭;合身的🐳——-🦭;健壮的🐘🎱|——🐹。名词意思是适合🦔-——🐿;匹配😨-_☺️😬;合身🍂🤔-——🏓;发作👽——_🐑🐸。例句1🐯_——🐗、The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child.腰带*🎨-😂🐸、和服和其他衣服都是儿童款的🤡——|🦚🐲。2😃🦡||*🕷、She was being fitted for her希望你能满意🐩_🐭。
他知道那只帽子实在太合适了🎃_——😁。 only too 非常*--🧐🌞、实在的意思🌷-😾🏵,其他你应该懂得🎴🦆|*。


hood by air是什么意思(af1nba联名低帮为什么是hba)??
fitness是什么意思🐖——|🌻🐦:n. 健康✨🍂————🖼🎆;适合🌿🎇|🐺🐲,适当This cap fits you better.这顶帽子对你更合适🐒😜|🐤。To join by or fit into a gain.在腰槽内连接或配合This car is fitted with radial tyres. 这辆车配有子午线轮胎*_🦇🦒。She was fit to scream.她几乎要尖叫起来🍂——*。make (animals) fit for cultivation.使(..
And I think I like him better with the fitted cap on/我也觉得更加喜欢他戴起那帅气的气球帽的样子He ain't even gotta try to put the mac on/他不用费多大的力气就能把我迷倒He just gotta give me that look, when he give me that look/他仅仅只看了我一眼当他给我那一个是什么🦎-——🌖🌺。
willow smith 的summer fling歌词??
This chick was like a fitted cap, all over my domeSaid she wanna be down, but I ain't takin her homeThat's when she said she live right down the streetShe love white chocolate, well I got somethin sweetSaw you walkin down the street and Iheard you say you had somethin sweet for好了吧🤮_*!
从字面意思即可以看出其特点为[highest part](1)释义🌵|_🐣:[朗文][something that you put on or over an object to cover it, protect it, or prevent liquid coming out of it] 说😼-_😌,你用它放在某物上面盖住它😩|_😧😝,保护它🥋|😦🐰,或者是堵住防止液体洒出来🏑*||😀。韦氏][a fitted, integral, or attached part or等我继续说🎃🎄——|🦌。
a thing or part placed on, fitted to, or covering the upper part of something, in particular 盖🐜🥀-🐏,顶盖🎟🌿|——👿,篷a garment covering the upper part of the body and worn with a skirt, trousers, or shorts 上衣(与裙子🐍--🐝,长🏅🦃——|☘、短裤配套)😆|🌧。a lid, cover, or cap for something 盖🎐_🤭😏,帽bee说完了🦑🌍-🦏。
a thing or part placed on, fitted to, or covering the upper part of something, in particular 盖🌜_——🎃,顶盖🐋*_-♠,篷a garment covering the upper part of the body and worn with a skirt, trousers, or shorts 上衣(与裙子🌒🎟|-😎🦤,长🌓|😋🦘、短裤配套)😤🐱--🌛🐲。a lid, cover, or cap for something 盖*😣|_😀😠,帽bee还有呢?